Please spend responsibly – borrowing beyond your means could seriously affect your financial status. Ensure you can afford to make your monthly repayments on time by the due date. Failure to make payment on time could result in your debt being passed to a debt collection agency and affect future lending decisions made by Klarna.
Victoria Percival Limited acts as an introducer and not a lender of unregulated credit products provided [exclusively] by Klarna Bank AB (publ). Credit is only available to permanent UK residents aged 18+, subject to status, terms and conditions apply. Please note that the following products are not regulated by the FCA: [Pay in 30 days and Pay in 3 instalments].
Victoria Percival Limited acts as an introducer and not a lender of unregulated credit products provided [exclusively] by Klarna Bank AB (publ). Credit is only available to permanent UK residents aged 18+, subject to status, terms and conditions apply. Please note that the following products are not regulated by the FCA: [Pay in 30 days and Pay in 3 instalments].